Communication Strategy
We provide corporation and organizations with appropriate communication strategies that assist them in defining their communication objectives in order to achieve their business goals.

Marketing & Public Relations
We use a combination of marketing channels and tools to quickly distribute information and generate awareness among wider audience to obtain maximum exposure and validation through media hits.

We produce all types of content at scale, whether it's television commercial ad, compelling audio-visuals, specialized animation, static posts, motion graphics, or a comprehensive podcast.

Copywriting And Editing
Regardless of who your audiences are or what business or industries you are in, we can create article, blog posts, press releases, reports, research papers, or social media content writing of any length, on any topic to suit any purpose or publishing schedule. Our professional editors and proofreaders can ensure that any document is word-prefect.
- Plot-342, Lane-5, DOHS Baridhara, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh
- info@greeninkbd.com
- +8801676151903
- +8801712347720