Green Ink’s Unwavering Support Fuels WSUP’s Mission to Revive Urban Hygiene in Bangladeshi Cities!
For over a decade, Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) has been a driving force in Bangladesh, extending its compassionate hand to support

Heifer International: Empowering Women Smallholder Farmers in Bangladesh
Green Ink. supported Heifer International to conduct “Asia Strategy on Locally Led Development and Caring for the Earth” at Rajshahi from March 4-10, 2023. The

Malaysia Healthcare showcases exclusive healthcare options to the Bangladeshi community
Green Ink in collaboration with Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council has organized a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) Familiarization visit for celebrity couple Pritom Hasan and Shahtaj

SHiFT: The Future of Food: Sustainable Healthy Diets Through Food Systems Transformation
The population of Dhaka has been gradually changing their consumption patterns, and this rapid transition is resulting in an abrupt change in the overall supply

Strengthening Institutions for Empowering Female Migrants in Bangladesh
On May 12th, 2022, the International Food Policy Research Institution (IFPRI), the University of Dhaka, Lincoln University, and Australian National University, together with Green Ink

The wind of change
The Agro-Ecology Project in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, which is funded by AFD and implemented by Caritas Bangladesh, is addressing the needs of vulnerable indigenous

Learning without Teachers: The Story of Nook On the occasion of the one-year anniversary of Nook in Bangladesh, IFNB, BYS and Green Ink. Bangladesh is
- Plot-342, Lane-5, DOHS Baridhara, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh
- info@greeninkbd.com
- +8801676151903
- +8801712347720